Tag: informational indicators

Spread Swap Indicator

Spread Swap Indicator for MT4

The Spread Swap indicator for MT4 is a simple tool showing current spread and swap rates and you can download it here for free and review by yourself. How does it work and how to use the indicator The indicator is very simple, but it is recommended to have it because it is very useful […]

Dynamic Candle Timer MT4

Dynamic Candle Timer indicator for MT4

The Dynamic Candle Timer is a forex Metatrader 4 (MT4) indicator that visually displays helpful information, including: the remaining time on each candle, the changing value of the Bid price, tick by tick, the relative price position of the Bid/Ask spread. This is all in the same area and vicinity of the price action. Features […]

MT4 Spread Indicator

MT4 Spread Indicator

The Spread Indicator for MT4 is a useful forex tool that quickly allows you to get to know the current currency spread on the market. This is especially useful with non-fixed spread brokers, determining the current spread by looking at the 5-digits quotes can be an exhausting task. In other words, it’s used to measure […]

Candle Time End And Spread Indicator

candle time end and spread indicator for mt4

The Candle Time End And Spread Indicator for MT4 shows exactly what its name suggests, namely current candle end time and current spread. It’s very helpful for forex traders taking into account time and/or proper spread conditions. The information is displayed in the right bottom corner of the chart. Take a look how the chart […]

Candle Time Indicator

candle time indicator for mt4

The Candle Time Indicator for MT4 helps users quickly determine how much time remains on a candlestick. This is a simple yet incredibly powerful and useful tool and many forex traders believe it should be a standard feature in the MetaTrader platform. Essentially, this countdown timer shows how much time is left on the current […]