candle time end and spread indicator for mt4

Introduction to the Candle Time End And Spread Indicator

The Candle Time End And Spread Indicator shows exactly what its name suggests, namely current candle end time and current spread. It’s very helpful for forex traders taking into account time and/or proper spread conditions. The information is displayed in the right bottom corner of the chart.

Take a look how the chart should looks like when you load up the Candle Time End And Spread Indicator in MT4:

Candle Time End And Spread Indicator Anatomy

In the above example, the spread value is 34 points and the current candle will end in 37 minutes and 26 seconds. These are pretty basic, but very important pieces of information.

You can customize the indicator, specifically you can change color of text and location of label. This is the settings window:

Candle Time End And Spread Indicator Settings

How to set up the Candle Time End And Spread indicator in MetaTrader (MT4)?

Installation Guide

Download the Candle Time End And Spread.rar archive at the bottom of this post, unpack it, then copy and paste the Candle Time End And Spread.ex4 or Candle Time End And Spread.mq4 indicator files into the MQL4 folder of the Metatrader 4 trading platform.

You can gain access to this folder by clicking the top menu options, which goes as follows:

File > Open Data Folder > MQL4 > Indicators (paste here).

Now go to the left side of your MT4 terminal. In the Navigator find the gauge name, right-click it and select Attach to the chart.

Candle Time End And Spread Indicator in MT4 Navigator Window

Related: candle time mt4 indicator

Download Free MT4 Forex Candle Time End And Spread Indicator

To download the Candle Time End And Spread indicator for Metatrader 4 (MT4) for free just click the button below:

Candle Time End And Spread Indicator Free Download

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