Category: Volatility Indicators
Laguerre Volume Indicator

The Laguerre Volume Indicator for MT5 performs volume analysis and uses the laguarre filter in order to recognize overbought and oversold levels and potential turning points in the market. In other words, this tool provides a clear and actionable view of market trends and a high likelihood of their exhaustions. Example chart: How to understand […]
Buy Sell Volume Indicator

The Buy Sell Volume Indicator for MT5 provides bullish and bearish volume readings, based on relation between price and its average. Its readings are based on channel formation containing histo bars with a baseline in the middle. The X-axis represents time accounting interval such as 1-hour, 4-hour, or daily period. The Y-axis displays the volume […]
Market Sessions Indicator

The Market Sessions Indicator for MT5 displays separate forex trading sessions and it’s available to free download. What’s more, it also shows the maximum and minimum prices of the preceding market session. Trading conditions are more favorable during certain sessions, which are marked by higher market liquidity. Understanding market sessions As you can see, that […]
Candle Time And Spread Indicator

The Candle Time And Spread Indicator is a useful informational tool that displays the time left to the bar end and the current spread in real-time. It is a great supplementary gauge in a trading endeavor. Example charts Check charts of the Candle Time And Spread Indicator in action. Settings There are available settings: the […]
Relative Volatility Index Indicator

The Relative Volatility Index IndicatoR consists of two color-filled floating areas which suggest whether the current volatility is bullish or bearish. The indicator is originally coded to support multi-time frame analysis and provides alerts. Closer look on the Relative Volatility Index Indicator When the floating area is greenish – it means the volatility suggests bullish […]
WPR Histogram Vol Indicator

The WPR Histogram Vol Indicator for MT5 is, as the name suggests, a forex volume indicator based on Williams Percentage Rate. It is developed on the following formula: (WPR + 50) * Volume. For quite understandable reasons, the recalculation of overbought and oversold levels in such a modified oscillator should be performed using the same […]
Candle Ratio Indicator

The Candle Ratio indicator measures the ratio that exists between the bullish and bearish candlesticks over the defined period of time. It consists of two lines which are colorized red (smoother line) and green (sensitive line). The default indicator settings can be modified directly from the input tab. Feel free to experiment with the settings […]
Synthetic VIX Indicator

The goal of Synthetic VIX Indicator for MT5 is measuring the increase or decrease of price volatility for given assent. It was originally developed for stock market only including S&P 500 Index, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and NASDAQ Composite Index. This version of course supports the forex market. Please be aware that this gauge doesn’t […]
Currency Strength Meter Indicator

The Currency Strength Meter indicator shows which currencies are trading STRONG against the WEAK currencies! The indicator is displayed in a separate window placed just below the main trading chart, and it provides the strength momentum of the 8 major currencies: EUR GBP AUD NZD CAD CHF JPY The indicator is based on the mathematical […]